Ocultar fotos particulares e ocultar vídeos em um cofre de fotos seguro, fotos protegidas por senha, ocultar fotos, ocultar vídeos no aplicativo de cofre da galeria particular. H
Hide private photos and hide videos in a secure photo vault, password protected
Hide photos, hide pictures, hide videos in private gallery vault app.
Hide Pictures & Videos - the ultimate private gallery app on Google Play Gallery Call Features!
Share your photos when it matters the most! In order to edit & share your photos with friends and family after calls.
Hide photos app – all your private photos stored in a Vault Gallery. Hide Photos and Videos in private Gallery and securely backup your data in the Cloud . Share private data among multiple devices. Use Fake Crash dialog to mimic application error.
Take control and keep your private stuff really private with number one private Vault Gallery app.
Este aplicativo usa a permissão do administrador do dispositivo. This permission is required to enable "Prevent Uninstall" option. If Prevent uninstall option is activated no-one will be able to uninstall the app except you.
Principais recursos:
★ Vault Photo Gallery
★ After call Gallery sharing shortcuts
★ Hide Pictures, photos and Videos.
★ Private Gallery: Store your private pictures, photos and videos in FotoX Gallery.
★ Fake Crash dialog unlock. Mimic that your app has crashed.
★ Fotox Cloud (Premium) permite armazenar com segurança todas as suas imagens e vídeos privados na nuvem e transferir os dados entre vários dispositivos.
★ Break In Attempts. Every time someone enters wrong pin code or creates wrong pattern, FotoX app will record and store this attempt.
★ Advanced Security. Once this option is activated, no one will be able to uninstall the FotoX except you. Normal uninstall procedure will be disabled.
★ Password Recovery. In case that you forget your pin code or pattern you will always be able to reset existing lock and regain access to FotoX app.
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